The Centennial Pistol Class Range
The firing line on the range during the Centennial Pistol Class. Participants used the John. M. Browning-designed gun exclusively during the practical portion of the class.
Long-Range Prone Practice
This Centennial Pistol Class participant practices his long-distance prone shooting out near the 25-yard marker.
Prone is a difficult handgun shooting position, but Gunsite's qualified instructors take the time to go from student to student to ensure proper fundamentals are being maintained. American Rifleman contributor Rick Hacker is being coached in the foreground, proving even experts need occasional tweaking.
Punching Holes
This class participant practices punching holes in close-range drills.
Standing Practice
This Centennial Pistol Class attendee practices his Modifed Weaver stance until his magazine runs out.
The Group Picture
All the attendees of the Centennial Pistol Class pose for a group photo. A day on the range is the best way to make new friends.
The One-Knee Drill
Centennial Pistol Class attendees practice stabilizing themselves by shooting from one knee with their 1911s.
The Most Important Part...
This class attendee remembers one of the most important parts of practice—cleaning your gun afterwards!