I Have This Old Gun


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I Have This Old Gun: Afghan Jezail

In the Middle East, a distinctive style of longrifle emerged that is known today as the jezail, a native name that described the arm's extraordinarily long barrel.

I Have This Old Gun: Webley Metropolitan Police Revolver

Webley Metropolitan Police revolvers were manufactured from 1883 to 1911 and issued at the discretion of division officers to be used by policemen who desired them and had exhibited an aptitude in their use.

I Have This Old Gun: British Enfield .476 Revolvers

In the latter portion of the 19th century, militaries across the world made the shift to the self-contained metallic cartridge, and that went for sidearms as well as rifles. When the British made the change, its military adopted the government-produced Enfield Mark I and Mark II revolvers.

I Have This Old Gun: Winchester Model 90

When Colt introduced its Lightning slide-action repeating rifle, Winchester called upon John and Matthew Browning to create a slide-action rifle that would be superior to the Colt product. The Browning brothers succeeded, designing the Winchester Model 90.

I Have This Old Gun: Gallager Carbine

The Gallager carbine is one of the American Civil War's lesser-known cavalry arms, but it still used a unique design that allowed it to adapt to the metallic cartridge era that followed.

I Have This Old Gun: M1/M1A1 Thompson Submachine Gun

As World War II developed, engineers found ways to simplifying the Thompson submachine gun, and later M1 and M1A1 Thompsons were easier and less-expensive to produce.

I Have This Old Gun: Jo.Lo.Ar Pistol

It was in 1919 when José de Lopez Arnaiz cleverly devised a unique single-action pistol with a moveable lever (palanca) of which enabled shooters to single-handedly chamber and cock the gun using only the index and middle fingers.

I Have This Old Gun: Whitworth Rifle

Sir Joseph Whitworth, an engineer tasked with solving production problems related to the Pattern 1853 Enfield, elected to create an entirely new rifle musket. His Whitworth rifle, while never officially adopted, provided remarkable performance for its era.

I Have This Old Gun: Carcano TS Carbine

For almost 55 years, the Carcano served the Kingdom of Italy. When it was adopted in 1891 as the country’s first smokeless-powder firearm, it was a cutting-edge design that defined the modern service rifle.

I Have This Old Gun: U.S. Model 1855 Pistol Carbine

One of the new arms introduced to U.S. military service in the 1850s was the Model 1855 Pistol Carbine, designed to pull double-duty as a shoulder arm and a pistol.

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