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George Washington portrait museum exhibit national firearms museum swords medals

By Resolution Of Congress: The NRA National Firearm Museum's Newest Exhibit

Entitled "By Resolution of Congress," the latest exhibit in the NRA National Firearms Museum illustrates a number of valor awards earned by men throughout the 19th and early 20th century, before the modern Medal of Honor was instituted.

I Have This Old Gun: The Maynard Carbine

On the eve of the American Civil War, there were a number of breechloading carbine designs available on the commercial market. One such design was the Maynard carbine, developed by Maryland dentist Dr. Edward Maynard.

I Have This Old Gun: Daisy Buck Jones BB Gun

When it comes to air rifles and BB guns, one of the most recognizable names is Daisy, and of Daisy's models, the one most people know is the Red Ryder. However, before the Red Ryder, there was the Buck Jones.

The North-South Skirmish Association Mortar Match

One of the North-South Skirmish Association's skirmishes involves the use of mortars, and there are dozens of teams competing to be the most accurate gunners at the association's Fort Shenandoah range.

I Have This Old Gun: French Model 35A

After almost two decades of trial and development, by the end of the 1930s, the French military adopted the Model 1935A, its first official semi-automatic service pistol.

Rifleman Review: Taurus GX4XL

Built on the same polymer frame as its GX4, the Taurus GX4XL provides extra barrel length and sight radius for consumers looking to squeeze a bit more performance from their CCW pistol.

I Have This Old Gun: Hi-Standard Model B

When it came to training new members of the military in World War II, the Ordnance Dept. chose the Hi-Standard Model B as its stand-in handgun trainer.

Rifleman Review: Colt Gold Cup National Match M1911

Colt is the brand that's traditionally associated with the M1911, and in this Rifleman Review, we look at how they're paying homage to the classic design with the Gold Cup National Match model.

I Have This Old Gun: Afghan Jezail

In the Middle East, a distinctive style of longrifle emerged that is known today as the jezail, a native name that described the arm's extraordinarily long barrel.

Rifleman Review: Walther Arms WMP

It's a difficult task to build a reliable semi-automatic handgun chambered for the notoriously inconsistent .22 WMR cartridge, but Walther Arms seems to have done it with its WMP.

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