More than 3 million NICS checks conducted in December helped elevate 2015 to an all-new gun sales record. Those numbers are lofty, so to put things in perspective for your watercooler conversations today, here are some other things that amount to roughly 3 million.
City: Chicago’s population
State: Number of people in Utah
Country: Population in Kuwait
Celebrations: Attendees at November’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City
Victims: Polish Christians killed during the Holocaust
Serving: Members of the U.S. Navy at the end of World War II
Banking: Estimated annual earnings of Ronda Rousey
Working: Workers worldwide who telecommute at least part time
Educating: Public school teachers in the United States
NICS Checks: 3,314,594 law-abiding citizens underwent a NICS background check in December, elevating 2015’s annual total to record-shattering 23,141,970—roughly the number of jobs created by women-owned companies in the U.S.