Tom White had seen an underweight cougar twice the day before; he had to chase the cougar away from the family's calves. Then, when his 14-year-old son was outside feeding their dogs the next day, the cougar showed up again and appeared to be stalking the boy. The cougar followed the boy to the basement door of the home, where he hurriedly took refuse inside as White's 11-year-old daughter shot and killed the cat to protect her brother. This was one of several cougars that had been killed in the area this winter for attacking domestic animals. (The Wenatchee World, Twisp, Wash., 2/25/14)
Officers responded to a report of an armed suspect in a neighborhood home around 3 a.m. A juvenile had broken into the home armed with a knife and a loaded handgun, then assaulted an occupant when he encountered them in the first-floor bedroom. The teen's robbery was thwarted, however, when another resident confronted him with a handgun of his own. The juvenile was held at gunpoint until police arrived. He was arrested and charged with home invasion, first-degree burglary, second-degree assault with a firearm, first-degree threatening and carrying a pistol without a permit. (The Hartford Courant, New London, Conn., 7/24/14)
From The Armed Citizen® Archives December 1973: Dr. Grant Giles returned to his San Antonio, Texas, office one evening to find a burglar breaking into his files. When the intruder pulled a knife, Giles drew an automatic pistol and fired. The wounded assailant was treated and booked for burglary and assault. (The San Antonio Express, San Antonio, Texas)