A pizza deliveryman for Jett's Pizza in Redford Township, Mich., was delivering to a residence when he made contact with two men posing as customers. One of them grabbed him, pulled a handgun and demanded money. The victim who was in lawful possession of a firearm, shot at the suspects. The first suspect was located at the hospital with gunshot wounds and charged with armed robbery. The second suspect, who had called 9-1-1 while leaving the area, was later arrested. (www.miheadlines.com 10/23/2014)
From The Armed Citizen column in NRA Official Journals:
Grayson Herrera, 23, met several friends outside of a shopping mall where they planned to go to the 7:50 p.m. showing of a movie at the theater inside. They had just met up in the parking lot outside when the estranged husband of one of Herrera's friends pulled up next to them in his vehicle. The husband exited the vehicle and allegedly pulled a handgun from his waistband. Targeting his estranged wife, he fired multiple rounds as she ran toward the theater for cover. Herrera and his other male friend, both licensed to carry a concealed handgun, drew their guns. Herrera returned fire, killing the gunman. Herrera sustained injuries to his arm and chest, but was treated for his wounds. No one else was reportedly struck during the shootout. (Southwest Times Record, Fort Smith, AR, 5/19/14)
From the Armed Citizen Archives
June 1967:"Give me all the money you have here," demanded a man armed with a big knife of Cleveland, Ohio, van lines clerk, Patricia Cawthon. Mrs. Cawthon walked calmly to a nearly closet, picked up a snub nosed automatic pistol, turned to the knife wielding bandit and said: "Where do you want it?" The thief ran out the door. (Cleveland, Ohio, Plain Dealer)