Early one morning a woman was in the act of forcing her way into a home, where she knew at least one of the residents, when one of the homeowners shot her in self-defense, killing her. After a police investigation, the shooting was considered a justifiable homicide, and the homeowner is not facing charges. (WATE.com, Knoxville, TN, 2/10/17)
From the Armed Citizen® Archives
April 1961
Three stocking-masked bandits herded Baltimore pharmacist Joseph Freiman to his narcotics supply, divided the drugs, and turned to clean out the till. Mr. Freiman grabbed the cal. .38 pistol he had previously secreted in case of a holdup, shot one bandit dead, critically wounded another. The third, who fled to a getaway car, was identified to police by the wounded felon. (Baltimore Sun, Baltimore, MD)