Don’t try to shoehorn Kel-Tec’s PMR30 into any single pistol category. Many have tried before and found the exercise frustrating and fruitless. The polymer-framed semi-automatic is a hybrid of sorts, ideal for survival, adept in the outdoors, capable of stopping criminal attacks with its .22 WMR chambering and the 30-round magazine minimizes reloading when things are really getting fun at the range.
Where does it fit precisely? Well, probably not in the everyday concealed-carry category, although that’s not its primary mission. It’s a grin-inducing handgun that shoots comfortably, performs well with little recoil and comes with all the touches for a trusted companion—just in case.
Kel-Tec introduced the PMR30 in 2010, and it drew attention fast. American Rifleman did a full test of one by 2011 and in it B. Gil Horman concluded, “The PMR-30’s design seems to offer a kind of universal appeal. Folks who have heard about it love the idea, and fellow shooters who took turns shooting the sample gun during my tests really enjoyed it. In fact, from the store, to the range and on my way home, I had three shooters offer to buy the PMR-30 right then and there. For hiking, camping, plinking, small game hunting and even self-defense, the PMR-30 is an excellent choice.”
The features and clever design are the real sales pitch, though. The semi-automatic has a polymer frame, in which, “A careful distribution of polymer and aluminum around key steel components has reduced the pistol’s weight to a feathery 13.6 ozs. when unloaded,” according to Horman.
The PMR30 is blowback operated, using a locked-breech system. The company advertises roughly a 5-lbs. let-off weight for the trigger, although Horman’s sample tested at 3 lbs., 6 ozs.
It also has an accessory rail for lights or lasers, ambidextrous manual safety and Hi-Viz fiber-optic sights fore and aft. Barrel length measures 4.3" and overall length of the gun comes in at 7.9".
It comes with two magazines, hard case, trigger lock and, or course, owner’s manual. MSRP is $545.