Store owner, Arturo Taveras, 69, was working at McCann's Liquors when a masked man entered, pulled a gun on him and demanded money. Taveras did not hesitate to draw his own firearm from his right hip and point it back at the would-be robber. When he saw Taveras' gun, the attempted robber fled the premises. It was last reported that police were reviewing surveillance video and searching for the attempted robber. (The Eagle-Tribune, Lawrence, MA, 6/4/13)
A Pennsylvania woman was saved by her current boyfriend, when an ex-boyfriend threatened her life. She had told her ex, who had a criminal record, to stay away. When he broke into her home in the early morning and pistol whipped her in the face, the woman's current boyfriend used his own firearm to shoot the ex in the chest, fatally wounding him. (Gunssavelives.net, 10/22/13)
From The Armed Citizen Archives
December 1979: Dr. Herbert B. Frank was working late at his Philadelphia, Pa., office when two men, one armed with a pistol, waited until the office was empty and then announced a holdup. Frank, who wears a .38 cal. revolver under his smock, drew his gun and fired twice, killing one man and seriously wounding the other. (The Inquirer, Philadelphia, Pa.)