When a man broke into a home in Bangor, Mich., he found himself staring down the barrel of a shotgun held by a female resident. The woman had been entertaining friends when they heard suspicious noises coming from outside. While the guests went outside to investigate, the woman grabbed her shotgun. After the stranger broke in, she held him at gunpoint until the police arrived. (wwmt.com, Kalamazoo, MI, 3/7/16)
The Armed Citizen® Extra
A Temple Hills, Md., couple was fast asleep early in the morning when their dog alerted them to the presence of an intruder. Grabbing a handgun, the male resident went to investigate. When he encountered the burglar, the armed citizen fired at the thief, striking him at least once. The suspect was taken to a nearby hospital with non-life-threatening wounds to his legs. The residents were not harmed. (wusa9.com, Washington D.C., 1/13/16)
From the Armed Citizen® Archives
May 1960
In Fort Fairfield, Maine, Mrs. Otis Flannery woke her husband, grabbed a Luger pistol and ran across the street to their store where they surprised two burglars. At gunpoint, Mrs. Flannery forced the pair to lie on the floor until a policeman arrived to take them away to jail. When she discovered two accomplices in a nearby getaway car, they attempted to flee at her approach, but halted and surrender when she fired the gun at them. Mrs. Flannery then held the gun on her two new prisoners and called the police again. (Fort Fairfield Review, Fort Fairfield, ME)