In another case of a Craigslist transaction gone awry, one man is dead after he and a friend pretended to be interested in purchasing an item found on the website but instead decided to rob the seller. The two thieves traveled to the seller’s home, then overpowered him and tied him up. One of the culprits left the scene in the victim’s car, at which point the resident was able to free himself, grab a firearm and shoot his remaining captor. The injured robber would succumb to his injuries, and local law enforcement is searching for the escaped suspect. (Mohave Valley Daily News, Bullhead City, AZ, 1/25/16)
From the Armed Citizen® Archives
January 1965
Baltimore, Md., cleaning establishment owner, Rufus Owens, was sleeping on a cot in his place of business. He was awakened by the sound of a window being forced. Grabbing his shotgun, Owens went to investigate and surprised a would-be burglar as he came through the window. Not having a phone, Owens held his prisoner at bay while unlocking the front door. A short time later, a policeman making his rounds noticed the unlocked door, came in and took the intruder, who was still being held at gunpoint, into custody. (The Evening Sun, Baltimore, MD)