Lisa Ring saw a 32-year-old man on her property and asked him to leave, but he displayed a knife in his waistband and explained that he had a right to be there because his sister was “lord of the estate.” Ring called for her husband, Paul, who came to her side with his shotgun. The suspect threw the knife through the screen door, narrowly missing the Rings. Mr. Ring fired his gun, hitting the man in the arm. The assailant ran off, but was placed in custody a short time later. The Rings were unharmed. (WESH.com, Auburndale, FL, 10/14/14)
The Armed Citizen® Extra
A 74-year-old Southgate, Mich., man shot and killed an intruder in his home early Thursday morning. The resident was awakened at approximately 4 a.m., and as he walked back to his bedroom to call the police, he encountered an armed burglar who had broken into his home through a back window. The criminal pointed his handgun at the homeowner, which caused the older man to produce his own handgun and fire a single, lethal shot. Police are investigating the incident, but they do not expect charges to be brought against the resident for the defensive use of his legally owned firearm. (Detroit Free Press, Detroit, MI, 1/30/15)
From the Armed Citizen® Archives
March 1977
Two South Bend, Ind. holdup artists made their final mistake when they picked John Burkhart’s pharmacy as their target. The pair entered and one ordered Burkhart to the rear of the store while the other tied James Senior, an off-duty security policeman. But the thug apparently failed to notice that Senior was armed. The guard quickly freed his hands and fired, killing one crook. As the other rushed to his partner’s aid, Burkhart drew a semi-automatic from under his counter and shot him dead. (The Tribune, South Bend, IN)