Carrying a firearm can be tough when running, hiking or generally being active outdoors. The combination of dynamic movement and light or fitted clothing requires a holster system that offers enhanced concealment and security. The Marathon Gunpack from Elite Survival Systems is a hide-in-plain-sight solution modeled after popular runner packs, and offers no visual indication that a firearm may be contained within. Features include dual 7-oz. water bottles, reflective panels, a fully adjustable non-slip belt and a zippered pouch with a headphone wire port, sized to contain a large cell phone, ID cards, etc. Behind the pouch, the Gunpack has a zippered compartment with an adjustable hook-and-loop holster and a pull tab to facilitate fast access. The Marathon Gunpack is available in two sizes to accommodate compact and subcompact pistols, and three color patterns—black with blue, gray or neon green highlights. Price: $60. elitesurvival.com.