There is good news this morning in the Shaneen Allen plight. The state’s attorney general clarified the directive her “crime” fell under, and she now qualifies for pretrial intervention. Meanwhile, a gun-control activist caught packing on school property received a sentence of 100 hours of community service.
The lineup of ported pistols available from Smith & Wesson’s Performance Center has grown. Ruger has rolled out an LCR (one heck of a carry revolver, by the way) in 9 mm. SilencerCo animated a suppressor, Discovery Channel has a job opening and curious historians finally know what would have happened if they had TrackingPoints at the Alamo.
A Maryland Sheriff clearly stated his constituents’’ gun rights were not negotiable, and action-star Liam Neeson pretty much confirmed for gun enthusiasts that when he was studying to become a U.S. Citizen five years ago, he used Cliff Notes on the section called The Second Amendment. Rumor has it he takes a Benadryl before every scene involving a firearm.
The Forest Service is proposing a rule that would require permits to take photos or videos in wilderness areas it manages. The regulation will apply everyone, not just pros, including firearm hunters.
And, in the “Unfortunately, They Vote, Too” category, we bring you the brain trust called Mom’s Demand Action. When someone on Facebook used the Josef Goebbels quote (properly attributed), “If you have nothing hide, you have nothing to fear” to put things into better historical perspective, a member of the group replied, “Mr. Goebbels’ words are wise words to live by.” Or die by, a fact I think the members of Jews Can Shoot can confirm.