The right side of the pistol features an image of General Patton holding binoculars with a tank in the distance behind him against a spectacularly detailed background. NORTH AFRICA is scrolled near the bottom. To the right of that is scrolled proudly GEN. GEORGE S. PATTON, JR. over the wheels of a tank. To the right of that is General Patton pointing a swagger stick in the distance. To the right of the center banner—WORLD WAR II 75th ANNIVERSARY—is an image of General Patton and an M4 Sherman Tank in the streets of a just-liberated Sicilian town, with a U.S. flag to greet men of the Army infantry and armored unit. One of Patton’s famous quotes, “LEAD ME, FOLLOW ME, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY” is prominently displayed in the artwork. Patton’s initials, GSP, along with four stars to signify his General rank, are also on both sides of the slide near the hammer.

The left side of the pistol features Patton at the Battle of the Bulge with soldiers and a Sherman M4 tank in the snow. BATTLE OF THE BULGE is scrolled underneath. To the right side of the center banner—WORLD WAR II 75th ANNIVERSARY—is Patton in a B-3 Bomber jacket and his name, GEN. GEORGE S. PATTON JR. Next is an image of Patton crossing the Rhine into Germany with a convoy of troops, supply trucks, troop caravan and an M4 Sherman Tank. To the far left is scrolled, WARS MAY BE FOUGHT WITH WEAPONS, BUT THEY ARE WON WITH MEN, another of Patton’s many famous quotes. The thumb safety, hammer, grip safety, slide stop, barrel bushing, grip screws and magazine release are also polished and decorated in elegant 24-karat gold. Both sides of the slide are outlined in the tracks of a Sherman M4 tank, also in 24-karat gold, against the all-over highly polished stainless steel pistol.