By now, just about everyone's met the UTAS UTS-15: it's that pump-action bullpup with dual tubular magazines and an on-board capacity of 15 shells. Designed by Ted Hatfield, the UTS-15 has been a conversation start ever since it appeared in the American marketplace, and the UTAS booth was swarmed with interested parties at the 143rd NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits.
New cosmetic options are coming to UTS-15 line for 2014. The shotgun will be available in two new polymer color schemes: a tan, and a green. The guns aren't dipped, though-the color is impregnated into the polymer itself, ensuring that the coloring can't chip or be worn off by exposure to the elements. UTAS wants its shotgun to be considered a go-to option in rugged conditions, all the way down to the color.
Possibly more important is another little piece of news that Ted dropped: The semi-automatic version of the UTS-15 is on the way, and a prototype was successfully test-fired earlier this week. So there you go. We don't have any other details on it at the moment, but you can be we'll keep you appraised as information becomes available.
For more information, check out the video embedded below or go to UTAS-USA.com.