Few .410 bore loads offer true “premium” performance; however, the load below does just that. I selected 11/16 ounces of nickel-plated No. 5 shot because per-pellet energy and depth of penetration at longer distances are greater than could be attained from non-plated shot of smaller size. When delivered by the MG410 wad, patterns even at 30 yards are still quite good.
Hull: 3" Cheddite (Multi-Hull)
Primer: Cheddite 209
Propellant/Charge: H110/16.0 grs.
Wad: Ballistic Products MG410
Shot Size/Type/Weight: No. 5/nickel-plated lead/11/16 oz.
Other: over-shot card
Crimp Type: fold
Velocity @ 5' (f.p.s.): 1152
Pressure (p.s.i.): 9,700
Pattern Percentages (30"; 10"): 83%; 19%*
Uses: hunting (squirrels, rabbits, upland birds, turkeys [within 25 yds.])
Notes: test shotgun: 24"-barreled Mossberg Model 500 with a full choke: *Shot percentage inside of 30" and 10" circles @ 30 yds.