From the January, 1944 issue of American Rifleman
Acting on travel orders just received, Bill Shadel vacates, as of this issue, the editorial sanctum he has occupied since May, 1941, to embark on almost immediately for the European theater of war where he will act as correspondent for The Rifleman and The Infantry Journal.
Bill has a wide circle of friends in military, press, and radio circles, as well as in our own Association, and these contacts, together with his intimate knowledge of Rifleman and NRA aims and policies, should make him invaluable as a reporter whose interest will be focused primarily on the individual riflemen at war. His stories will be those of a trained and accurate observer, written for The Rifleman, by a rifleman, for riflemen. As such, they should not only interest you but should serve also to spread the gospel of marksmanship through new channels to audiences never reached before.
It’s a big assignment; that’s why a big man was picked to fill it. Good luck, Bill, and happy landings.