Describing it as “a combination of a kitchen faucet, garden hose, shower and water bottle,” Lunatec’s hand-pressurized hydration container system provides a new level of convenience in cleanup chores and personal hygiene for the outdoor sportsman.
With increasingly more and more micro-compacts coming to the market in the last 10 years, consumers are beginning to go the other way, searching for more shootable options to carry for protection, and FN has answered with its 509 CC Edge XL.
Watchtower Firearms' latest introduction pays homage to famed explorer Jim Bridger, and this bolt-action has a few innovative features designed to make it the "ultimate backcountry hunting rifle."
Whether you’re zeroing your new scope or trying to find the best load for your rifle, recoil-reducing rests like the Lead Sled 3 from Caldwell offer a solid testing foundation.
Welcome to American Rifleman’s “Gun Of The Week,” where our staff editors examine the firearm industry’s latest offerings. And for this episode, we have a multi-caliber, switch-cylinder revolver from Taurus on the range. Meet the 692 Executive Grade.