Two Montana miscreants were no match for an armed homeowner during an attempted burglary. Although the intruders targeted an empty cabin in Wolf Creek, Mont., the residents came back while the bad guys were ransacking the home. The couple thought something might be amiss when they spotted an unfamiliar SUV parked outside their cabin. As the couple approached the abode, the two burglars exited the cabin and accosted the homeowners. One of the two mischief-makers pulled a firearm and attempted to shoot it, but the gun misfired. While he attempted to chamber another round, his accomplice approached the homeowner in a threatening manner with a firearm, but the armed citizen drew his concealed handgun and shot the approaching scoundrel in the leg. The residents were unharmed, and police later arrested the two suspects. (Independent Record, Helena, MT, 12/30/16)
The Armed Citizen® Extra
You are never too young to defend yourself in a life-threatening situation, and that’s what one teenager found out when two male adults broke into his house and confronted him. The teen retrieved a shotgun and fired it at one of the men, wounding him. Both intruders then ran before police arrived, but were later located. The wounded criminal was admitted to a hospital, while the other was arrested on a charge of first-degree burglary. (Bowling Green Daily News, Bowling Green, KY, 3/20/17)
From the Armed Citizen® Archives
March 1959
When two gunmen entered a Cleveland food store, they wheeled and fled the shop after walking into owner Sam Melluso and his pair of matched revolvers. Since suffering a $300 robbery a year ago, grocer Melluso keeps his guns handy. (Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH)