Barbara Haley, 52, awoke to the sound of her barking dog around 2:40 a.m. She went to investigate and noticed a few items out of place, but when she did not see anyone, she returned to bed. Then, after a loud crash, she discovered an intruder had taken refuge in her bedroom closet. She retrieved her firearm and issued the verbal warning, “Don’t move!” before calling 9-1-1. She then pointed her .45-caliber handgun and kept the 24-year-old suspect at bay for 30 minutes until police arrived. (Omaha World Herald, Omaha, NE 9/3/14)
The Armed Citizen® Extra
A business owner in Columbus, Ohio successfully fended off an attempted robber who he believes is the same person who had broken into his establishment only a few days earlier. Brian Lim, owner of an electronics and car accessory store, recognized the culprit from the security tapes from the first break-in, and when the man returned a few days later, Lim locked the door behind him so he couldn’t escape. The businessman then showed the suspect that he had a gun and contacted the police. Before the authorities could arrive, the criminal managed to break his way through the locked door and flee the scene. Although the burglar was able to get away, neither Lim nor any of his customers were injured during the incident. (NBC4I.com, Columbus, OH, 12/31/14)
From the Armed Citizen® Archives
November 1984:
Hearing a disturbance, service station manager Alvin Burris of Dallas, Texas, entered the station office and found an armed man taking money from a female clerk. The robber ordered Burris and the woman to crouch behind the counter, and then struck Burris on the head. While the robber rifled through the cash drawer, Burris’ assistant slipped him a pistol. Burris fired several times, striking the intruder and prompting the man to drop the money and his gun as he fled. The robber was arrested at a nearby hospital when he sought treatment for his gunshot wounds. (The Morning News, Dallas, TX)