Sometimes a bad guy who doesn’t heed a warning pays the price. That was the case in Pittsburgh when a man, who was armed with a crowbar, broke into a home. The resident confronted the intruder, told him to lie face down on the ground and said that police were on their way. Rather than complying, the interloper raised the crowbar and charged the armed citizen, who—after a brief scuffle—fired his gun and shot the assailant in the leg. (WPXI, Pittsburgh, PA, 4/4/17)
The Armed Citizen® Extra
Early one evening, a family of four was at home when a young woman, posing as an official from the homeowners association, knocked on the door and asked the female resident some generic questions. The woman waved to a male accomplice in the car, who then approached the home. When the female resident noticed the approaching man, who was masked and armed, she immediately locked the door and screamed for her husband. The male intruder ignored her and proceeded to kick in the front door, but upon gaining entry was shot and killed by the husband. The female accomplice was found shortly after and arrested on charges of first-degree burglary and criminal conspiracy. The homeowner was not charged. (The Post and Courier, Charleston, SC, 3/15/17)
From the Armed Citizen® Archives
June 1972
Hearing his wife’s screams, Albert Backofen grabbed a 12-ga. shotgun from the rear of his Springfield, Mass., grocery and ran to the front. A masked gunman took one look at the shotgun, pocketed his handgun, and begged “Don’t shoot,” then ran off before police arrived. (Springfield Union, Springfield, MA)