“Your participation helps The NRA Foundation protect our Second Amendment freedoms with activities that promote safe and responsible firearms ownership, and invest in the next generation of America’s leaders," said Sarah Engest, director of volunteer fundraising. "That’s what this is all about, right? Protecting the future of freedom so our children and grandchildren can have the same rights we enjoy, and keeping the shooting sports alive and well."
The programs funded by the NRA Foundation's initiatives include youth education, law-enforcement training, hunter education, wildlife conservation, marksmanship and safety instruction and more. Throughout all these training programs, participants learn about our nation's great history and tradition of individual freedom, all while learning to exercise the cornerstone of that freedom: The right to keep and bear arms.
This auction features some of the hottest guns available on today's market, including the 2020 Colt Python, as well as the Mossberg 590 Shockwave and the Smith & Wesson M&P 9 Shield EZ. The Ruger-57, Henry Axe and Glock G44 are also among the 50 guns available for sale in the auction. Buyers can bid away with confidence, because all of the money raised in this auction aids in training Americans across the country in the safe and effective use of firearms.
To participate in the auction, visit NRAFDAD.givesmart.com or text NRAFDAD to 76278 to register. To learn more about the programs, services and events offered by the NRA Foundation, visit NRAFoundation.org.