There are certain loads that just stand out—one such recipe is found below. The load features a mere 7/8 oz. (148 pellets) of TomBob Outdoors’ lead-free ITX-10 No. 4 shot, which has a target density of 10 grams/cc (i.e. close to lead’s 11.34 grams/cc); however, the payload attains a scorching 1491 f.p.s. to deliver maximum on-target energy. And deliver it does! As evidenced in testing, the load patterns extremely well at distance; at 35 yds., 138 pellets struck inside of a 30" circle, and 35 of those hit within the 10" “core” surrounding the point of aim. This hard-hitting, tight-patterning load has brought to bag a variety of species in recent hunting trips, ranging from the speedy bufflehead to the majestic American black duck.