The Armed Citizen® Extra
A 14-year-old boy, Anthony Hernandez, protected his grandparents by shooting and killing a burglar who was breaking into the family’s Charlotte, N.C., home by climbing through a window. “My grandson told him to stop and get out of here and he didn’t, so my grandson shot him,” Anne Marie Wyant said during a 9-1-1 call. An accomplice has been arrested and charged, and police said the shooting was justified. The Wyants made a commitment to teach their grandchildren about self-defense six years ago, after Anthony’s father was shot to death while working at the auto shop he owned. “[Anthony is] his grandmother’s hero,” Wyant said. “If I was by myself, God knows what they [the intruder and his cohort] would have done to me.” (The Charlotte Observer, Charlotte, NC, 12/18/14)
From the Armed Citizen® Archives
November 1981
In seven years of facing criminals at his Glendale, Calif., jewelry store, Ed Kovacs has been held up four times, but has never lost a dime to robbers. The criminals, on the other hand, have suffered two dead and two wounded. In the most recent incident, a trio of criminals entered and demanded loot. Kovacs hauled out a .38 revolver instead, killing one shotgun-wielding robber, wounding a second and holding the third inside the store with the help of an electric lock. Kovacs said World War II service in Italy taught him “if someone points a gun at you, shoot him.” (The Times, Los Angeles, CA)