Besides more ammunition, there are few better firearm training aids than a good shot timer, and the Pocket Pro II shot timer from Competition Electronics definitely qualifies. Whether working on speed and accuracy or trying to improve potentially life-saving reaction times, Pocket Pro II provides objective feedback to help measure success and set new goals.
Out of the box, all that is needed is a 9-volt battery. When the unit is powered on, pressing the side-mounted button activates the buzzer and timer. If no settings are changed, the timer will measure and record the time from the buzzer to the first shot and the time between consecutive shots. There are, of course, several modes of operation-instant, fixed delay and random delay-and different measurements can be displayed. Using the four-button control panel, functions and settings, including buzzer volume, can be adjusted to suit training needs and personal preference. As well, a robust clip allows for attachment of the 3"x5"x11/2" unit to a belt or pocket, and the 1/2"x2" display is backlit in blue, making it easy to read in varied lighting conditions. Price: $130. Contact: Competition Electronics, 3469 Precision Drive, Rockford, IL 61109; (815) 874-8001; competitionelectronics.com.