"The 10-day waiting periods of California Penal Code § 26815(a) and § 27540(a) violate the Second Amendment as applied to those individuals who successfully pass the BFEC/standard background check prior to 10 days and who are in lawful possession of an additional firearm as confirmed by the AFS system;
a. If the BFEC/standard background check for such an individual is completed and approved before 10-days, Defendant shall immediately release the firearm for delivery to such individual and shall not wait the full 10-days;"
With those words by a federal judge in an Aug. 22 ruling, California gun-owners declared victory for those who have gone through the process of getting a concealed-weapons permit, or who the state already knows to be firearms owners. Individuals purchasing a firearm for the first time still need to abide by the 10-day waiting period.
The judge has issued a 180-day stay of his own ruling to give California time to rewrite its laws.
Read the judge's complete ruling here.