That's right. If you stopped by the Bass Pro Shops booth you could try your luck with "The Hunt: Trophy Showdown," which works with the Wii system. Visitors of varying ages tried their luck bagging ducks and turkeys, among other quarry, on "Quick Hunt" mode using the mock long gun named "The Bullseye Pro." There was no shortage of animals, either, and the experience was made more realistic through the use of a large-sceen television. "The Hunt: Trophy Showdown" is one part of a two game set; the other is "The Strike: Tournament Edition," which enables users to fish for a variety species in an equally diverse number of locales, as well play mini-games such as bow-fishing.
The set, which contains the games and necessary accessories, was priced at $50. Based upon the reaction of children and adults alike, it's sure to be a hit.