TRADITIONS unveiled the NitroFire, the first muzzleloader to use FireStick sealed powder charges by FEDERAL. The system represents a faster, safer, more precise way to load/unload a muzzleloader. The metered 100- or 120-gr. charges are encased in weatherproof polymer capsules that are easy to insert into the gun’s break-open breech.
Even better, it unloads just as easily and without the mess of loose powder or broken pellets. There’s no waste, and never a reason to leave one’s stand with a loaded rifle. Hodgdon 888 propellant is new and proprietary to the system, reportedly burning cleaner and improving on the company’s 777 velocities.
When a bullet is loaded into the NitroFire from the muzzle, it seats positively on an upraised ring that positions it for a flush fit with the inserted FireStick capsule. The action can be opened with the safety engaged, and the rifle also has a second, hammer-blocking safety that prevents a firing-pin strike until the hammer is fully cocked. The gun comes with a 26" fluted barrel and boasts Traditions’ Elite XT trigger, an exposed hammer with captive half-cock and a manual crossbolt safety.
While it remains to be seen which states will allow the FireStick system for muzzleloader-only seasons, Federal reports that at least a dozen have indicated the product complies with current regulations, and more are giving it due consideration.
An assortment of NitroFire packages are offered, with or without scope included and dressed in a variety of Realtree, Mossy Oak and GO Wild Rockstar camouflage stocks as well as basic black. traditionsfirearms.com